Recicla Comunidade Program advances in favelas to preserve nature and generate income for residents

Published on 25/04/2022 - 07:00 | Updated on 24/04/2022 - 23:41
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  • Recicla Comunidade Program advances in favelas to preserve nature and generate income for residents
Community Recycling Program - Beth Santos / Rio City Hall

The Recicla Comunidade program is making progress in Rio to stimulate the economy and increase the income of residents and business owners in favelas. Six locations have already benefited, and next Saturday (30/04), three more will receive the project: Manguinhos, Fazendinha (Complexo do Alemão) and Proença Rosa (Honório Gurgel). By the end of May, more than 20 units will be installed. The initiative also has a positive impact on the environment, by reducing the dumping of reusable waste into nature.

Recicla Comunidade is part of the Favela com Dignidade program, run by the Municipal Department of Community Action. Last week, the project reached three locations in the West Zone: Asa Branca and Vila do Sapê, in Curicica, and Parque Carioca, in Camorim.

The Darcy Vargas and Vila Progresso communities in Vila Kennedy, and Canal do Anil in Gardênia Azul, were the first to benefit. More than seven tons of recyclable waste have already been collected from these areas, leaving streets, rivers and lakes cleaner.

There are currently over 400 residents enrolled in the program. They are registered when they deliver recyclable waste (such as paper, metal, plastic) to collection points. The material delivered generates a credit for the citizen, a type of social currency, which can be used in over one hundred commercial establishments, such as small markets, bazaars, construction material stores, beauty salons, guesthouses and bakeries.

  • April 25th 2022
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